Maple Grove’s 64-Niche Columbarium

We’re happy to announce that Maple Grove’s 64-Niche columbarium (cremation wall) was delivered this morning.
The columbarium provides a more cost-effective way to lay loved ones to rest.
You can purchase a niche or learn more about the columbarium by contacting the Township Clerk’s office.
“We’re very pleased with how the columbarium at Maple Grove Cemetery turned out,” said Comstock Charter Township Clerk Nicole Beauchamp, “I’m glad we’re able to offer community members a peaceful and beautiful place to put their loved ones to rest.”
This successfully wraps up the second big cemetery project Comstock Charter Township began since 2023. The expansion at Comstock Cemetery was completed last summer and was initiated due to lack of space. The columbarium was placed due to the increasing popularity of cremation burials. This provides a more affordable option for our community to inter their loved ones.
Both cemeteries are important historical and burial spaces in our community and Comstock Charter Township wants to ensure they can remain in use for generations to come.
The Township hopes to add additional columbariums to our cemeteries in the future.