Downtown Development Authority/ Tax Increment Financing
The Township established a Downtown Development Authority (DDA) in 2019. A map of the DDA boundaries is below. The DDA district allows the Township to capture taxes from other taxing jurisdictions through Tax Increment Financing and use them for improvements within the boundaries of the district to increase property values, promote economic development, eliminate causes of deterioration and improve the vitality of the area.
The DDA is run by a governing board appointed by the Township Supervisor with approval of the Township Board. The Township Supervisor is automatically a member. The DDA Board is required to prepare an annual budget showing the proposed expenditures for the year. The Township Board must approve the DDA’s budget. The DDA Board is authorized to hire a Director, but only with the approval of the Township Board.
Board Members
Sandra Katje, Chair
Jonathan Koets, Vice Chair
Jeffrey Townsend, Secretary/Treasurer
Randy Thompson, Township Supervisor
John Gisler, Kalamazoo County Commission Liaison
Evan Kowalski
Andy Schippers
Anne Summerfield
Vacancy, DDA District Resident
Meeting Minutes
Activities of the DDA
Informational Meeting Notices
2023 Comstock Center Goals and Priorities
Annual Synopsis of DDA Activities and Events
Beautify Comstock Center Initiative
PA-57 Report Informational Meetings
Current Contracts/ RFPs
Planter and Gateway Maintenance contract
Banner Contract – Annual contract with Sign Art to hang seasonal banners on light poles in DDA.
Environmental Site Assessments – In partnership with the DDA, the Kalamazoo County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority awarded a contract with Fishbeck to complete a Phase I and II assessment for the proposed Riverfront Redevelopment Project area.
Planning and Design – As a certified Redevelopment Ready Community, the MEDC has awarded a contract to Beckett Raeder Inc. for revised planning and design plans for the proposed Riverfront Redevelopment Project.
Market Assessments – As a certified Redevelopment Ready Community, the MEDC has awarded a contract to LandUse USA to update retail and residential market assessments for the DDA area.