DDA Budget Public Hearing rescheduled

Notice of Budget Public Hearing
The Charter Township of Comstock Downtown Development Authority will hold a public hearing on the proposed Fiscal Year 2024 Downtown Development Authority Budget on January 3, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. at the Charter Township of Comstock Hall, 5858 King Highway in the Township. A copy of the budget is available for public inspection at the Clerk’s office at Township Hall, 5858 King Highway, Kalamazoo, MI 49048 as of December 18, 2023. The public is invited to attend and provide comment on the proposed budget or may submit written comments in care of the Township Clerk’s office before the date of the public hearing.
This notice is posted in compliance with PA 267 of 1976, as amended (Open Meetings Act) and the American with Disabilities Act.
Comstock Charter Township will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services to individuals with disabilities with five (5) working days’ notice to the Charter Township of Comstock Clerk at the address or telephone number listed below.
Nicole Beauchamp, Clerk
Charter Township of Comstock
5858 King Highway, PO Box 449
Comstock, MI 49041
(269) 381-2360