An look at religious organizations in Comstock: Family Worship Center

“I’m thinking Family Worship Center has been in Comstock, I think for around 50 years,” Eric Rogers, Lead Pastor at Family Worship Center, as he stood in his sanctuary, tracing back his own family’s service and the legacy of his predecessor, “We’ve served as the lead Pastor for around 7 and the previous pastor was here for 18.”
The current pastor describes his church as “a group of like-minded followers of Christ.”
“We want to be a blessing to the community,” Pastor Rogers said, “the whole point of having a church that in arms reach is that they are there in times of need. We seek and strive to be the hands and feet of Christ.”
Besides Sunday morning services, the Family Worship Center is also open for elections.
Their building is open as a Polling Place for Precinct 5.
“The reason why we host the elections is because we believe in being good citizens,” Pastor Rogers said, “We want to be engaged in the community. We know that the best change comes from the ground up and we want to be a place where people can come and take part in the change that is necessary.”
Bringing positive change is something Pastor Rogers says he tries to foster.
“The most important thing for us is to see lives changed,” he said, “we want to be a part of each individual’s journey and make sure they find themselves in a place where they can be productive citizens, but more importantly, have a relationship with God the Father.”
One way Family Worship Center is trying to reach out to the community is to host picnics.
Their next upcoming Picnic will be held in August of 2023.
Pastor Rogers said the picnic will be held on, “Saturday, the 19th at noon, right here on our grounds. We’re going to have a family picnic and that next morning, Sunday the 20th, we’re going to have a backpack giveaway for all the students that were involved.”
And another picnic will be held in Merrill Park at 5 P.M. on Sunday, September 3rd.
“The whole community is invited, completely free of charge” Pastor Rogers said, “we’re going to have games and food and just sort of hang out.”
The Family Worship Center offers transportation to folks in need.
Pastor Rogers said, “For families that don’t have transportation, we do have a bus and we provide transportation for services on Sunday morning and also for events that we have.”
Additionally, Family Worship Center uses their bus to offer transportation to folks to the Kalamazoo Gospel Mission’s Shelter and Outreach Trailer, which provides showers and laundry services for those in need.
Pastor Rogers said, “We seek and strive to collaborate with other community organizations, and so of course the Gospel Mission is such as huge, huge part of ministry here in Kalamazoo.”
If you’d like to know more about Family Worship Center, you can find their Facebook Page here.