Who do you call?

We here at Comstock Township are always happy to hear from you and help you address your issues. However, there are some problems that other institutions are better equipped to handle.
The Comstock Fire Department
- Illegal fires after hours
- Burn permit questions
The Road Commission of Kalamazoo County
(269) 381-3171
- Plowing
- Traffic signs down
- Potholes
- Trees in the road during business hours
Kalamazoo City
(269) 337-8000
- Issues with traffic lights
- Emergencies
- Crimes such as breaking and entering, squatting and drug activity
- Trees in the road after business hours (This is considered an emergency)
Drain Commission of Kalamazoo County
(269) 384-8117
Request service form
- Flooding in the road
Kalamazoo County Health Department
(269) 373-5200
- Well and Septic tank permits, information, and locations
Consumers Energy
(800) 477-5050
- Streetlight issues
Kalamazoo County Sheriff’s Department
Non-emergency line: (269) 488-1977