From the City of Kalamazoo: Boil Water Advisory: E Main St, Merry Brook St, & nearby drives

The City of Kalamazoo is in the process of repairing water infrastructure. The work will result in a temporary loss of pressure and consequently, a precautionary boil water advisory is being issued in cooperation with the Kalamazoo County Health and Community Services Department for all water intended for drinking or ingestion or any consumptive uses within the affected area (see provided map), including:
- East Main Street – From North 26th Street (western boundary) to approximately 200 feet east of Merry Brook Street (eastern boundary), both sides of the roadway.
- To also include ALL addresses on Merry Brook Street, Cedar Brook Drive, Spruce Brook Drive, Fawn Brook Drive, and Willow Brook Drive.
This advisory is precautionary only; there have not been any confirmed tests showing bacteria present in the water main at the location of the infrastructure repair. Initial sampling results will be available within 24 hours of its collection and the final set within 48 hours. It is expected that the advisory will be lifted within 72 hours (April 21). City of Kalamazoo employees may be tasked with obtaining samples directly from customers. Assistance with obtaining samples would be greatly appreciated.
Municipal water customers in the affected area may use bottled water for consumptive purposes or boil their tap water for 2 minutes prior to use for drinking or other ingestion. No special precautionary measures are necessary for water used for personal hygiene.