Construction on 33rd Street between M96 and G Avenue resumes in Comstock Township for the 2023 Construction season

March 13, 2023, Kalamazoo, MI – Construction on 33rd Street between M96 and G Avenue resumes in Comstock Township for the 2023 Construction season.
There will be ongoing intermittent impacts to the motoring public. Access to private property will be maintained.
Project Agency: City of Kalamazoo
Project Description: Installation of approximately 3 miles of 24-inch diameter drinking water transmission main on 33rd Street in Comstock Township from north of M-96 to G Avenue to improve water system redundancy and reliability within portions of Comstock, Richland, Pavilion, Kalamazoo, Oshtemo, Texas and Cooper Townships, Village of Richland, City of Parchment, City of Portage and the City of Kalamazoo.
Project Limits: 33rd Street – G Ave to M96 in Comstock Township
Project Construction Cost: $5.9 million
Project Duration: July 18, 2022, to November 30, 2023
Estimated Completion Date: November 30, 2023
Approvals & Information:
EGLE Part 399 Construction Permit – Issued
RCKC ROW Permit – Issued
City of Kalamazoo City Commission, Regular Business Meeting 7-18-2022 Consent Agenda Item G.6
Public Information:
City of Kalamazoo City Commission, Committee of the Whole Meeting 1-18-2022 Work Session Item F.1 Utility Rates and Budget Presentation, Utility Policy Committee 3-10-2022 Informational CIP Updates; Including 33rd Street Loop discussion
Contractor: Lounsbury Excavating, Paw Paw Michigan
Project Construction Administration: Jones & Henry Engineers, LTD.
Additional Information:
James Baker, PE (269) 337-8731
Anna Crandall, PE (269)337-8055