Notice of Noxious Weed and Uncontrolled Plant Growth Ordinance enforcement

Starting on May 1st 2023, all properties located in the Charter Township of Comstock will be subject to enforcement of the “Comstock Township Noxious Weed and Uncontrolled Plant Growth Ordinance” (Ordinance No. 486 Adopted 2-20-2017).
The purpose of this Ordinance is to maintain the character with the development of and landscaping in the neighborhood by removing noxious weeds and any other uncontrolled plant growth, weeds, or grass exceeding eight (8) inches in height.
It is the responsibility of all owners to prevent and/or eliminate noxious weeds before they reach a seed-bearing stage of growth, and/or to cut weeds and tall grass in yards on a routine basis.
Failure to comply with this notice will result in the township taking action by contracting for the services necessary to remedy the violating condition.
All expenses incurred to bring this property into compliance shall be paid by the owner(s).
A lien shall be placed against the property, and if not paid, the amount shall be assessed as a special tax against such land on the next assessment roll and will be collected in the next tax cycle.
Please contact us at the Township office (269) 381-2360 if you have any questions or concerns.