Public Meetings: Public Comments

We encourage the public to attend our meetings and speak during the public comment sections.
Following the direction of the Open Meeting Acts, we limit each comment to three minutes.
The Township imposes this limitation to hear all comments while still allowing for board business, which is the purpose of the meeting.
The rules are designed to be reasonable, flexible, and intended to encourage public comments.
Citizens are always welcome to call the Township or set up a meeting to discuss concerns and have their questions answered during business hours.
Speaking outside of public comment periods is disruptive, disrespectful, and not allowed.
We don’t limit what public commenters can talk about, but public commenters are not allowed to be disruptive or make personal attacks against an individual.
The township board’s members and commissioners do not respond to public comments.
It is important to remember that the board can only accomplish board business during a board meeting, and members must be able to stay focused on that task.