A Look Back: Recreation Programs in Comstock Parks

Baseball was the force behind creating the present parks in Comstock. Working through the Parks Commission, Larry Pickett served as the first Parks Recreation Director.
Later, under the direction of Larry Dopp, the park’s recreation programs were enlarged and offered 6 weeks of programs.
Baseball, archery, volleyball, croquet, and other games were offered. Approved lifeguards taught swimming at Robert Morris Park.
Celery Street Park held programs for local kids.
An annual Arts & Craft Show was held in Merrill Park.
Started by a Park Commissioner named Pearl Vasher in the mid-1970s.
These shows attracted local artists from across Southern Michigan. Booths were provided to display artwork.
Comstock Community Days are another annual event that began.
The Carnival-like atmosphere would bring in hundreds of visitors during the day-long event.
Our awesome Parks and Recreation Department still hosts awesome events in our community.
If you’d like to learn more about Comstock’s rich history, please see the Comstock Bicentennial Commemorative Book.