A look back: The Comstock Civic Improvement League

The Civic Improvement League was formed on October 13, 1905, when around 125 Comstock residents met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Pond and organized the League.
The League was intended to “cultivate public sentiment in favor of improving and beautifying the homes, streets, and surroundings of Comstock to endeavor to promote in every legitimate manner the development of the whole community.”
Membership was 25 cents a year. The League sponsored a lot of projects, including purchasing street lamps, helping raise money for a concrete bridge across the Kalamazoo River, helping form the first Fire Department, supporting boy girl scout activities, and holding Liberty Bond drives in wartime.
The Civic Improvement League dissolved in the 1960s after some of the older members passed away and other clubs sprung up.
Source: The Comstock Bicentennial Commemorative Book, published in 1976.