The Public Accuracy Test for the November 8th election
On October 27th, 2022 at 9:00 A.M., Comstock Charter Township held our Public Accuracy Test, in conjunction with the other jurisdictions within Kalamazoo County, for the November 8th general election.
The Public Accuracy Test is done to ensure our tabulators are counting ballots and casting votes correctly.
Comstock Township Clerk Nicole Beauchamp, Election Specialist Nicole Shook, Election Commissioners Terry McIver and Jason Knight, and Election Inspector Dan inserted predetermined test ballots, specifically printed for this test, into all the tabulators used for Comstock Township elections.
First, zero tapes are printed to ensure zero votes have been cast. Then test ballots with every possible voting scenario, including choices that would invalidate a ballot such as voting for too many candidates, are inserted into the tabulator.
At the end of the test, totals tapes are again printed out and verified to ensure that the tabulators correctly counted the cast votes.
These tests also ensure that if voters make a mistake, the tabulator will inform them and ask if they want to cast their ballot anyway or spoil their ballot and receive a new one.
The totals tape showing zero votes counted at the beginning of the Public Accuracy Test
Election Specialist Nicole Shook, Election Commissioner Jason Knight and a election inspector
Clerk Nicole Beauchamp and a election inspector look over test ballots at the beginning of the test
Checking the tapes on the Public Accuracy Test
The Public Count on the tabulator showing zero at the beginning of the Public Accuracy Test
Every tabulator needs it’s tapes and Public Count needs to be checked at the beginning of the Public Accuracy Test
One of the possible error message a voter can get, showing the ballot is blank. During the Public Accuracy Test, we deliberately insert a blank ballot into each tabulator to ensure they read it correctly, do not count the ballot, and give the voter the proper error message
A election inspector conducting the Public Accuracy Test
The Public Accuracy Test in action.
The test ballots are made specifically for the Public Accuracy Test. They cannot be used in the general election.
A test ballot being inserted into a tabulator during the Public Accuracy Test.
A test ballot being inserted into a tabulator during the Public Accuracy Test.
The correct results for the Public Accuracy Test. If the results of our Public Accuracy Test match these results, then we know are tabulators are ready for the election.
Election Commissioner Jason Knight, Terry McIiver and Election Specialist Nicole Shook preforming the Public Accuracy Test.
A tabulator at the Public Accuracy Test. Our test was successful and our tabulators are ready for the November 8th election. After the test the results are cleared from the tabulators so they are not counted during the election.