A Statement from the Downtown Development Authority

You have probably noticed the beautiful new signs erected by the Downtown Development Authority at the gateways of Comstock Center as part of the Beautify Comstock Center initiative. You may not know that the downtown area has historically been referred to as Comstock Center in various planning documents going back to the 1970s. This is why the DDA board used Comstock Center in preparing its logo for branding and marketing purposes and for use on the banners and new signs. The signs were funded almost entirely by grants received from local foundations.
The DDA is spearheading the Beautify Comstock Center initiative toward its efforts to halt the decline in property values, reduce blight, encourage investment in Comstock Center by existing owners and to attract new investors. Revitalizing Comstock Center will positively impact more than individuals in the immediate area, it will indirectly benefit Comstock residents when they have a walkable, viable downtown offering a sense of place. They will have a place to visit for recreation, shopping, and dining along the Kalamazoo River in their own community. This will have a positive impact on the perception of Comstock Township in the region that further improves community sentiment and property values.
Next, look for new landscaping around the gateway signs to finish up this phase of the Beautify Comstock Center initiative.