Construction Updates from RCKC

Comstock Township Construction Updates
35th Street – over Kalamazoo River
Current Status:
Tentative start date of August 27, 2020.
Lane closures only.
Project Information:
Bridge rehabilitation including epoxy overlay of bridge deck, guardrail, and concrete surface coating.
Start Date:
August 27, 2020
End Date:
September 12, 2020
N Avenue – at Grand Trunk Railroad
Current Status:
Tentative start date April 27, 2020.
Sprinkle Road to ML Avenue to 26th Street
Project Information:
This project includes the hot mix asphalt widening, construction of a center-turn lane and pavement markings.
Start Date:
April 27, 2020
End Date:
May 22, 2020
East Michigan Avenue – Sprinkle Road to River Street
Current Status:
Tentative start date April 16, 2020. Contractor to begin milling road surface and prepping for reconstruction of the south lane.
Sprinkle Road to Comstock Avenue to River Street
Project Information:
Finishing emergency repair from 2019 washout of shoulder and lane.
Start Date:
April 16, 2020
End Date:
May 22, 2020